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Leadership & coaching specialists

Lead with your energy and make growth contagious


 Bringing to life the latest leadership research on transferring positive human energy and creating thriving work environments.

We all have contagious energy

Leadership is about influencing, attracting, and inspiring the people around us to do more and to be more.


The energy we bring as a leader has an impact on how our team performs. Whether we show up negatively or positively spreads to the people around us. What you show is mirrored in what you get back. Leadership energy impacts culture, how teams feel, and ultimately, how we all perform. 


Understanding how we can energise ourselves and the impact we have on others is critical for success. 

The Energy Loop:

from leader to team

B-Contagious Swoosh leadership-assessment-tool

360° leadership assessment

The Energy Wheel


Our 360° leadership assessment measures contagious leadership energy, team sentiment and how well connected leaders are in their leadership teams and wider organisation.


Based on scientifically validated research, we assess a wide range of  human energy known to positively affect teams and cultures but also enable leaders to be their best selves.

B-Contagious-Energy wheel descriptors
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